Group’s Companies

Enerda Energy Investment and Consulting Ltd. Co.
ENERDA is a consultancy company established to meet the needs that have emerged in the context of the developments in the Turkish economy in recent years and the harmonization of the country’s economic, legal and administrative structure with the EU acquis in the process of integration with the European Union.
Subjects we provide consultancy services:
• Production, Transmission and Distribution Activities in the Electricity Market
• Project Development and Financing
• Foreign Capital Legislation and Practices
• Investment Incentive Legislation and Practices
Together with our experienced team and strategic partners, we guide and assist existing companies and domestic and foreign investors who want to invest in our country within the framework of the laws.

JGRS Turbine Energy Machine Industry and Trade Co. Ltd.
R & D activities for geothermal energy, solar energy, wind power, hydroelectric energy systems are continuing and they are still working on turbine production at project stage. In addition, it provides feasibility, analysis and technical consultancy services on energy investments.

Karadeniz Technical Engineering Industry and Trade Inc.
The company was established by Halil GÖK in 1988 as a map, engineering and consultancy firm. The company, established with the main activity of map and construction, reinforces the infrastructure of all investment and engineering services in these sectors. Today, he continues to work in a wide geography both in Turkey and abroad in his cartography and photometry projects with his experience and technical knowledge. Inspection and regulation of land use, construction and implementation of development plans, expropriation and land registry, infrastructure and superstructures, construction, industrial structures, dams, railways, road projects and applications, environmental regulations, planning of technical infrastructure facilities in urban areas, arrangement of public housing areas The company produces maps and map information which are used as basic foundation in all cartography services with the activities such as power plants, selection of places of energy and transmission lines, planning of tourism and coasts, irrigation, water structures, drying and improvement works, soil and agricultural reform. Photogrammetric projects, triangulation and polygon points are measured by GPS, both aerial photographs and satellite images are used. In addition,. Geographic Information Systems rapor in our studies by increasing the use of modern techniques and data analysis will create a base for various branches, maps, reports, information and documents to produce and use.

Gök Energy Electricity Generation Inc.
GOK Regulator and HEPP Project of our company was designed in 2006 at Karagecit location in Village of Bogazpinar, District of Tarsus, City of Mersin and the construction was commenced in 2008 and completed on 06.08.2010 and preliminary acceptance was made and it was put into service. The plant at the power of 10.3 MW generates 40.000.000 kwh energy per year.
1 electrical engineer, 1 mechanical engineer, 4 electrical technicians, 4 mechanical technicians, 3 foremen and 2 security officers i.e. 15 personnel in total are employed in our plant.

KTM Water Wind Solar Energy Limited Company
The company continues its R & D studies on geothermal and hydroelectric power management in Denizli, Niğde and Tarsus regions. Drilling works for locating geothermal resources in Sarayköy district of Denizli are continuing.
The company is aware that there are underground and natural conditions required for energy investments in our country and that it is a social responsibility issue to contribute to the institutions and organizations that will invest in this field.
Our facility, which is located in Tekke Village, Saraykoy District, Denizli City has the capacity of 28 rooms and 60 beds. There is a physical therapy and rehabilitation specialist in our facility. Open buffet breakfast that is totally prepared in village style and the means for different meals, hot and cold swimming pools, SPA and Health Center.
As a “Healing Water Center” in İçmece Neighborhood, Yeşilhisar District, it has been a source of healing for people for over a hundred years. Yeşilhisar Mineral Water “Healing Water Center” is also known as Dutluk. Our healing waters have therapeutic properties for rheumatic diseases, chronic back pain, joint diseases, soft tissue diseases, orthopedic operations, restoring the ability to move an organ or formation that has lost its ability to move after brain and nerve surgery, neurological disorders, rehabilitation in the treatment of cerebral palsy, stress disorder, sports injuries, gallbladder diseases, stomach gastritis, kidney stone diseases, urinary tract diseases, and elimination of stomach worms. Our facility has a 36-room apart hotel, and breakfast and dinner are served depending on your accommodation preference. While our guests come from all over our country to İçmece located in Yeşilhisar, Kayseri, we are also the center of attention of foreign tourists visiting Kayseri. We are waiting for you at our Kayseri Yeşilhisar Drinking and Healing Water Hotel to drink the source of life water in its most natural state. To experience the difference of water with us, to be a cure for your treatments…

Çamlıyayla Energy Electricity Generation Inc.
The company was established in 2010. AKHAN I&II Regulator and HEPP Project at Karagecit location in the district of Camliyayla in the city of Mersin is under construction. Power plant’s installed capacity is 47 Mw and it will produce 150,000,000 Kwh energy per year. Camliyayla continues to carry out projects in order to keep the environmental consciousness in the forefront by continuously increasing the value it adds to its target audience and by closely following the technological developments in the sector and by producing electricity continuously.