Social Responsibility

Responsible and puredent business needs using resources efficiently. Moreover, it is a civic responsiblity. While we are using all resources that our world provides us, we see ourselves as a reflection of humanity and environmental respect. We produce permenant values that using limited resources efficently in our businesses and we support all social projects in institutional framework.

We carry on business to increase standart of living of society and to fulfill our responsibility to our employers and their family and local people. We make significant investments on education, health, culture, art and environment and Turkey needs these kind of investments urgently. This situation give us more power. We believe there are not any differences between our development and our country’s development. Thus, we contribute our society. We attach importance on our projects to have long-term life and to remian permenant. Furthermore, we continue our business in social responsibility framework. Our company will work to reach society’s development purposes.

Our Social Responsibility Projects

Road construction in Koruca, Boğazpınar, Darıpınarı, Bağçatağı / 100%
Irrigation projects for villages / 100%
Afforestations for villages / 100%
Giving scholarship / 100%

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility